“The planting and the design were made with the intention of creating room for experiences in the area all year around.“


Roskilde, Denmark


Roskilde Municipality


Roskilde Municipality, Roskilde Technical School, OK Nygaard, Oluf Jørgensen

Contract period



Hans Kragh

Landscape area

2,500 m2

Construction cost

2,700,000 DKK

Image Credits

DronePixels, Kragh & Berglund

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As part of the urban development strategy of Musicon in Roskilde, Kragh&Berglund has created a new urban space in the intersection between Maglelunden, Pulsen og Rabalderstræde together with the municipality and the local technical school. The task was to slow down the cars on the road leading through the area and simultaneously create an attractive spot for activities and rest.

New trees were planted and the shape of the road changed to ensure that one can always see the forest. Traffic engineers helped phase out traffic in a way that took into consideration the space and Musicon more broadly. A “super bus stop” has been established as an island of trees, which creates a contrast to Musicon’s more industrial areas, and invites people in.

Users and locals were invited to express their wishes, and students from Roskilde Technical School asked for a new outdoor fitness area. Exercise equipment has thus been integrated into the clearing to encourage exercise and activities. The planting and the design were made with the intention of creating room for experiences in the area all year around.

Want to learn more?

Contact Hans Kragh
+45 81 72 74 53