
Jököping, Sweden


Jönköping Municipality

Contract period

2023 (project submitted)


Niels de Bruin

Landscape area

Construction cost

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In 2023, Kragh & Berglund participated in a competition project for Jönköping Municipality in Jönköping, Sweden.

The main idea of the project was to create public spaces along the lake Vättern including a beach promenade and man-made peninsula to enhance the connection to the water and provide a variety of opportunities for activity like swimming, dining, or learning about the surrounding nature.

A walk along the promenade provides a view of the water. Where the promenade intersects with city streets adnd public paths intersect, a new meeting place on Vättern is created as the pier is opened as an active public space. Here, there is space for seating, gathering, cafés and a water activity house.

The pier is extended, featuring a hard edge to the west and a soft and the man-made, nature peninsula to the east, both of which protect small harbours. The extension of the pier takes place with respect to the Vättern with a focus on increasing the biodiversity, improving the quality of the water, and educating the public on the lake.

Vättern’s depth of 128 m has been used in the project to design a 128 m long floating bridge that allows visitors to walk on – and become a part of – Vättern. The bridge is widest near the shore and narrows towards the horizon, enhancing the sense of perspective.

The sculpture “Mesure” takes its form and proportions from a curled-up 128 m long measuring tape. The playful design invites visitors to rest and play and facilitates social interactions. Waves and loops create private spaces and places to sit, stay and explore.

“The bridge is widest near the shore and narrows towards the horizon, enhancing the sense of perspective.”

Want to learn more?

Contact Niels de Bruin
+46 737 243266