New professional board
Kragh Berglund

Board members
Flemming Andersen (extern)
Jonas Berglund (founding partner)
Maria Karin Sofia Höök (partner)
Louise Opprud Jakobsen (extern)
Gunilla Kronvall (extern)
Christian Restorff-Liliegreen (partner)
Hans Kragh (founding partner, CEO)
Karen Margrethe Krogh (design studio manager)
Kragh Berglund’s overall goal is to create imaginative cities and landscapes where flora, fauna, environment and people can coexist. We strive for continuous development of the business with the goal of becoming a leading company in sustainable landscape architecture, planning and urban design.
– In order to move towards more structured business development and growth, we are now expanding the previous partner boards with external professional board members, says Hans Kragh, CEO Kragh Berglund.
This is being done in order to develop and make both the Danish and Swedish studios visible, separately and together, on the Scandinavian market. This is one of several initiatives that will contribute to structured business development and growth for Kragh Berglund.
”In order to move towards more structured business development and growth, we are now expanding the previous partner boards with external professional board members.”
Hans Kragh, CEO Kragh & Berglund
Flemming Andersen has been appointed onto the boards as external chairman, as well as two additional external board members, Gunilla Kronvall and Louise Opprud Jakobsen. Gunilla Kronvall is a Swedish architect with a broad range of professional experience and Louise Opprud Jakobsen is a Danish engineer and futurist, among other things, with a knowledge of work design, innovation and sustainability. Both the boards also include partners from the studios in Denmark and Sweden.
The purpose of the boards
Together with the day-to-day management, the boards of directors will develop the company so that Kragh Berglund both maintains and renews its position in the Scandinavian market as a courageous, responsible, and sustainable architectural firm, with a market strategy that both studios support.
The two studios in Denmark and Sweden will support any further development with their established professional competency and financial security, leading to growth and a new, innovative approach to our design, profession, and industry. The development is supported by almost 20 years of expertise and a portfolio with numerous high-quality projects in and outside Scandinavia.

About Flemming Andersen
Architect Flemming Andersen has been elected chairman of the boards of both the Danish and Swedish studios after several years as contractual advisor to Kragh Berglund. Flemming has, among other things, been a project manager for 10 years at Henning Larsen architects and ran his own consultancy for Danish and foreign architectural firms since 1995. Since 2002, Flemming has worked on professional boards, advisory boards and has been appointed as a mentor for young architectural firms by Drejers Fond.
Flemming has been chairman of the boards of the architectural firms SLA A/S 2005-2009, Dorte Mandrup A/S 2013-2021, and from 2021 for Tredje Natur ApS and Kragh Berglund A/S (DK and SE). In addition, board member of PLOT A/S 2002-2016, including a period as director, Arkitektens Forlag 2014-2016, Nyréns Arkitektkontor AB 2010-2021, including a period as tf VD (CEO).
Flemming is chairman of the Focus Committee for Contract Law and Legal Affairs at Danske ARK and a member of the OPS committee (the Committee for Public-Private Interaction) at Dansk Industri.
About Gunilla Kronvall
Gunilla Kronvall is an architect with a broad range of experience in architecture, urban planning and property development, mainly in the early stages. She is engaged in the intersection between the public and private working as a partner to developers, municipalities and institutions.
Gunilla will offer new perspectives to the development of our studio with a focus on new markets. With experience from the private, municipal and academic world, she brings a holistic view on urban development. When she is not outlining strategic directions for Kragh Berglund she runs her own business in Malmö.
About Louise Opprud Jakobsen
Danish board member, Louise Opprud Jakobsen, is a trained engineer and futurist. She has spent the last 12 years visiting and interviewing the world’s most innovative companies and researchers to understand how the digital space of opportunity and technology is changing our way of living and creating value.
What is essential in our near future? And how should we as people and organizations stay relevant in the new world? She has sought answers to these and many other questions at NASA, Pixar, Autodesk, X and well into the brain research corridors at major universities in both the US and Scandinavia.
Louise is an expert in new ways of working and helps international clients such as LEGO, the Government of Dubai, Google, BMW, Novo Nordisk, VEGA and Hyper Island rethink what working life in the 21st century looks like.