”Cycling and walking across the bridge, one gets the experience of being lifted up into the crowns of the trees.”


Folehaven, Denmark


Copenhagen Municipality


Dissing+Weitling, COWI rådgivende ingeniører

Contract period



Christian Restorff-Liliegreen

Landscape area

16,000 m2

Construction cost

32,000,000 dkk , (13 mio. dkk landscape)

Image Credits

Sofie Cold-Ravnkilde, Dronepixels

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In collaboration with COWI Consulting Engineers and Dissing+Weitling, Kragh&Berglund have designed a bridge that ensures pedestrians and cyclists easy and safe passage over the heavily trafficked area in the intersection between Vigerslevvej and Holbækmotorvejen. The bridge helps activate Vigerslev Park of which it is part, while also serving as a gate into the city for the vehicles passing underneath it. Folehaven Bridge thus makes a big difference for the many commuters passing it on their way to and from the city.

Working with the landscape around the bridge, Kragh&Berglund wanted to expand the existing landscape by adding trees and plants that suited it. The terrain and the retaining walls ensure a smooth transition between the landscape and architecture. The emphasis has been the creation of a gentle landscape shaped by the terrain and soft slopes guide the path gradually up to and down from the bridge. The bridge is supported by a number of discreet pillars. Cycling and walking across the bridge, one gets the experience of being lifted up into the crowns of the trees.

Want to learn more?

Contact Christian Restorff-Liliegreen
+45 81 72 74 49