“The green car-free landscape increases biodiversity in the area and provides the tenants with an interesting and colorful view from their apartments“


Holbæk, Denmark


VAB Vølund


Kullegaard Architects

Contract period



Hans Kragh


6800 m2

Construction cost

5,500,000 DKK

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Apartment buildings are often characterized by uninspiring arrival areas with paths along the houses and a lawn or some planting in the middle. Between the housing association VAB Vølund’s apartment blocks, Kragh&Berglund and Kullegaard Architects have created an alternative to this more traditional approach by reducing the amount of paved surface and moving the paths into the middle of the grounds in a branch-shaped pattern that creates little breaks and offers an interesting spatial experience between the buildings and the landscape.

The planting is lush with robust species, flowering bushes, and swaying grasses. The area has also been equipped with a terrace in front of the tenants’ event house and a playground with a mound that can be used for sleighing in the winter.

A small waterhole that fills when it rains can be used for playing and is also part of a local system that drains the rainwater. The green car-free landscape increases biodiversity in the area and provides the tenants with an interesting and colorful view from their apartments.

Want to learn more?

Contact Hans Kragh
+45 81 72 74 53